The Benefits of Working with a Public Adjuster After a Disaster

Dealing with insurance claims after a natural disaster can be extremely stressful and confusing. There are many complex details involved and insurance companies don’t always make the claims process easy. Working with a public adjuster can help ease the burden and ensure you receive the maximum reimbursement you rightfully deserve.

What is a Public Adjuster?

A public adjuster is a licensed professional who acts on the policyholder’s behalf in appraising losses and settling insurance claims. They serve as an intermediary between you and the insurance company. Public adjusters are experts in relevant laws, policies, and valuation methods. They use their expertise to document and calculate losses to build a strong claim.

The Key Benefits of Public Adjusters

There are several key reasons disaster victims should consider hiring a public adjuster:

  • Higher Settlements – On average, public adjusters obtain settlement amounts that are 3-4 times higher than what policyholders receive on their own. Their expertise can uncover additional reimbursement policyholders are entitled to but may not know about.
  • Save Time – Public adjusters handle all the complicated back-and-forth communications and paperwork with the insurance company’s adjusters. This lifts a huge burden so homeowners can focus on recovery and repairs rather than getting bogged down in lengthy claims negotiations.
  • Peace of Mind – With a public adjuster fighting on your behalf, you can trust that the final settlement will be fair, complete and in accordance with your policy. Their objective third-party perspective levels the playing field with the insurance company.
  • Contingency Fees – Reputable public adjusters work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid if they secure a higher settlement. Typical fees range from 10-20% of the overage. For most, the fee is a small price to pay for the public adjuster’s assistance and expertise.

When to Hire a Public Adjuster

It’s a good idea to bring a public adjuster on board as soon as possible after a disaster if you anticipate having extensive damages and losses. The sooner they can inspect losses and begin documenting the claim, the better positioned you’ll be for an optimal settlement. Public adjusters can also provide invaluable advice on effective emergency repairs and services to mitigate damage.

Vetting a Public Adjuster

Make sure to do your research when selecting a public adjuster. Look for an established professional with extensive experience specifically handling your type of disaster claim. Check credentials and make sure they are licensed in your state. Read reviews and testimonials from past clients. Avoid door-to-door solicitors looking to take advantage of disaster victims.

Don’t go through the claims process alone. A public adjuster’s expertise pays for itself in larger, faster settlements and reduced stress. Focus on recovering from the disaster while they fight for the reimbursement you deserve.

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